In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), we will promptly remove or restrict access to any material identified in a valid copyright complaint. If necessary, we may also provide the alleged infringer with details of the complaint, including contact information, to facilitate resolution. If you believe that your content was mistakenly removed or blocked, you may file a counter-notification. To do so, please include: The specific content that was removed or blocked, along with its original location on our platform. Your full name, address, phone number, and email address. A declaration, made under penalty of perjury, that you have a genuine belief that the content was wrongly removed or restricted. A statement consenting to the jurisdiction of the federal district court where you reside (or any relevant jurisdiction if outside the U.S.) and agreeing to accept legal service from the original complainant. Your physical or electronic signature. Upon receipt of a counter-notification, we will review the claim and act accordingly under the DMCA.